It's Official... we have date, we have a venue...

All through this project, I had a venue in mind for my Exhibition.

I had seen it and I knew even before I started my #366Faces that thats where I would have it.  During the year, I heard the venue had sold and I felt disheartened.  I didn't even know where to begin looking for a new venue.  The task just felt too big for me.

I had coffee with a friend yesterday and she asked me if I had secured my venue yet and I just rolled my eyes.  My fear wasn't just holding me back, it had paralysed me.  I had literally put this call off all year and with December staring me down, I knew I had to face myself.  I don't know what made me do it but when I got home, I decided to find the venue.  I knew where it was, in the beautiful art district of Cape Town but for the life of me I couldn't remember what it was called.  After some research, I not only found it but I called to see if they still hired it out as Exhibition space and guess what...

They DID!

A few calls, emails backwards and forward and I have secured a date and venue.


I will share more once I have all the fine print sorted and I will be sending out personal invites.

It's such a big step and a massive tick towards this day.  I can't even express how overwhelming it feels and how beside myself I feel.  It will be my very first exhibition and to be sharing my Tiny Bags of Love this way... 

Completely vulnerable, completely terrifying and completely exhilarating, all in a good way. 

Can't wait to share more.