Window to my heart...

I am finally starting to find my way with this piece...

It was the one I started last week, the one that I was desperate to paint but that felt physically painful.  I haven't felt that in a long time and I found it perplexing in many ways.   I wasn't sure how I was going to move forward tonight but I knew I didn't want to think about it too much.

There was a horizon line happening from her hair line and on it I saw buildings and it lead me in a new direction.  I'm still so in love with buildings and I know I still want to go there more.  I said I would this year.  In fact, I've just signed up for Jeanne Oliver's new class on buildings... about painting your own city/town.  And I can't wait to go there.


How wonderful to paint so gloriously big... about 500 times bigger than a teabag.  We aren't finished yet, but almost and I can't wait to finish her.  She's one of my pieces for the Survival and Triumph Auction in October.  I still have a few pieces left to pull together... but getting there.

Happy Heart tonight.