Finding and sharing vulnerability...

I have been so excited about my new class and sharing about it.  I have been receiving the most incredible email responses regarding the theme... {Held}Captive.  I can't tell you how much this means to me.  It's been on my heart to share for about a year and I have been doubting myself but the emails have been a sort of confirmation and I've been so overwhelmed by that.

That being said, I do believe things happen right when they are meant to and I guess I'm finally ready and perhaps now is more the right time.


My heart is overflowing with excitement!

I will continue to share parts of my filming journey with you over the next couple of months.  Thank you for sharing the love and for the sign ups this past week or so.  And of course... I'm excited to be painting and filming again.  My lesson plans are mapped out and filming has commenced.

I'm overjoyed.

My early bird special is still running for another month.

Much love Jeanne-Marie