Finding togetherness...

I started this draw up the other day and I had some left over Olive Green, Paynes Gray and Warm Grey left on my palette and that started my background of this piece... it was enough to get me going and excited to start working here.  I am so glad I did.  I'm having the best time with these two.  I'm loving the play on the eyes... like the middle eye could belong to either of them for an instant, like they are one in the same but not either.  They feel deeply connected.

"Seeing through your eyes"


I'm not sure where we are heading quite yet but I'm enjoying the journey.  On my way home from work yesterday, I got some ideas of how I would like to finish this piece... let's hope I can do that.  

I am loving filming and editing as I go.  I can't wait to share more about that.

Now to just get through this work day so I can get back to my studio.

Have a beautiful day. xoxox