TenderTogetherness... filming is underway

This is my absolutely favourite theme to paint.  I love capturing the tender connections.  I may always paint this... it's part of my story, I am a mom and it's been the biggest role in my life and I've loved it, the good with the hard times.  I can't imagine another way.

I didn't mean to finish painting the Mother first but she captivated me and she lead the way and I love where she's taking me.  My canvas is big (24"x24") and it means proportions can be challenging and it requires lots of gorgeous paint.  As I was painting her, her face kept increasing in size... which in turn left the other faces way too small.

So I had to increase them and rework their proportions.

Brown Stabilo all marks

Brown Stabilo all marks

Painting underway... first layers

Painting underway... first layers

Work in Progress

But so far I'm loving their closeness and connectivity.

I can't wait to get back to them today... I think I have a plan on how I will finish them.

Happy weekend!

Love, Me