Painting at last...

These past few weeks have been all about TinyBagsofLove local Interviews and Auction admin/shipping but come Thursday, I get to exhale a big sigh of relief.  It has been a MASSIVE few weeks and long long days (and nights) and I am, needless to say, exhausted.  Being shy by nature, it's not easy to put myself out there publicly, it takes a lot of energy from me.

The relief of knowing all my commitments are almost done, is HUGE.

You know what that means, right? That I am at last for the first time in months, free to create.  Create for me and to create for create's sake.  And it's made me completely giddy with excitement.

My heart has been more than ready.


I had my final interview today with eTv. and it was such a great time.  They asked me so kindly to paint this girl in front of them and on camera and it was daunting but it was enough to be me excited to paint.  

I did not expect to paint another TeaBagGirl so soon.

After they left, I had paint left on my palette and I managed to get this beautiful girl out onto my canvas.  She was quick and she literally just flowed right out of my brush.  Which is always a beautiful feeling.

There is something haunting about her, to me.  And I kind of love her.


I originally drew up this piece with my left hand.  It was an incredible exercise to do because I had no idea my left hand was capable of anything.


My heart is happy and my schedule is clear for the weekend.  I'm heading back into the classroom to be taught and inspired and I can't wait.  I will share soon, the classes I've signed up for.

But for now, happy heart this side of the world.

Much Love, Jeanne-Marie