Robin, Ivy and the Beautiful Oregon...

Oregon was our last stop and it was a precious one.

We stayed with Robin and it was beyond special to be here with her and Ivy.  They both picked up our exhausted bodies from the airport.  And we had a soft landing and a beautiful quiet dinner at home, just the 4 of us.  We were grateful for the soft landing.

We spoke well into the night.  I knew I was going to have a connected time.


Our first day in Oregon was spent meeting beautiful Michelle for lunch at a sushi spot and I was so delighted to have met her in person.  Meeting online friends was definitely a highlight of our trip.  Thank you Michelle and thank you for the beautiful gifts you gave Kitty and I.  Wow.

After a slow lunch we went for a walk in the beautiful gardens followed by a beautiful evening at Chris and Ivy's home.  I loved these together family times the most.

I got me some beautiful precious Ivy Love.  Thank you my friend for your generous heart and soul.  I am so grateful that I got to meet you and Chris and the girls in person.  It was a treat of treats.  You are a beautiful inside and out.  I am so grateful I got to take some specialness of you home with me.


After some sight seeing days, we settled down to some quiet days at Robin's home for hiding, deep connecting and creative time.  I had to fix a Soul Bearer for Robin that had been crushed in transit so I had some work to do and I spent a studio day with Robin and Ivy.  Robin created her very own Soul Bearer and that was beautiful.  And I got to watch Ivy draw and start her painting of Kitty.  I can't wait to see her finish that.  What a treat to be in studio with these two beautiful creative souls.  We got to talk about art and creativity for days.  That was a dream come true.

 We also popped into Ivy's gorgeous new Studio and we had breakfast together.  Getting to do daily things together and visualise 'life' was so precious to me.

Photo:  Caitlyn Grace Web

Photo:  Caitlyn Grace Web


We got to experience the Oregon Coast.  It was lovely.

We ate, we walked and we did a bit of shopping.  It was a chilled, beautiful day.

Meeting Michelle over a sushi lunch

Meeting Michelle over a sushi lunch

Long deep precious conversations on the patio will be my forever highlight and memories of Oregon.  Thank you for your heart my friend and that we got to tap into each others some.

Long deep precious conversations on the patio will be my forever highlight and memories of Oregon.  Thank you for your heart my friend and that we got to tap into each others some.


I can't tell you what these days meant to me to be quiet and gently close out our days in the USA.  I loved the deep connecting with Robin.  The meals shared with her and Joe and the incredible chats around social differences between our two countries and cultures.  Deep connecting is the way to fill my love tank and I'm so grateful we got that.  I loved the one on one time and the talking art day in and day out.  I loved seeing Robin's art up close and personal and we inspired each other so much.  What creative friendships are all about.  She could see things for me and I could see things for her in our art respectively.  I loved the home visits so much.

Robin, Joe, Ivy and Chris - I can never thank you enough for this time we had.  We love love loved it.  I couldn't think of a better way to end off our trip. Thank you for opening your hearts to us and allowing us to be ourselves with you.

It was a perfect send off home with our love tanks overflowing.

Goodbye Oregon and the amazing US of A, next stop... home.
