Catching up with life... and some news.

thank you, thank you, thank you

The build up to my auction was intense and the prep work was mighty. I make sure each piece is finished well, the sides of my canvases, my backgrounds and I make sure there aren’t any blemishes. I seal some of the pieces too. To me, finishing off pieces can take as long as a painting itself. I also managed to finish some of my bigger pieces that I had been struggling all year to finish. They came together in the end and ended up being some of my favourites for this event.

My auction came and went and it was such a wonderful experience and truly a highlight to my whole year. Honestly, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. Knowing I don’t walk alone is so big for me. Thank you for those who came, who loved, who bid and more. Your presence for those few days made me feel so held. THANK YOU Stephanie for your incredible love, support and constant input.

I was blown away by the whole experience, truly.


Post auction work for me is as full on and as intense as the prep. I have been deep in wrapping paper, bubblewrap, tape and boxes. It’s why I have been so quiet here on my blog and on social media. As you know, packaging up for me is as sacred as the art itself. There is something old world about receiving art wrapped and sent by snail mail. I know how I have felt when I’ve bought art from a special artist and unveiled the beauty inside. There is no other way to describe it… it is sacred. I hope you receive you package as such.

My packages are all on their way and my studio is empty and my new blank canvases are waiting for me… and I can’t wait to start creating again. It feels like I haven’t been doing anything new for around two months. I’m missing my space.

budokan yoga mornings

We have survived our first month of Budokon Yoga mornings. Kitty and I have been getting up at 5.15am four mornings a week. We head into the city to workout with a small group. I think it might be the hardest thing I’ve ever done, physically, mentally and emotional. Somedays to get me through the door is quite something. If I didn’t have Kitty coaxing me over the threshold, I would have run away already. Some mornings my anxiety is real. It’s a combination of knowing I’m going to suffer and that no matter how hard I try, sometimes my body just won’t or just can’t do what I want it to do. But also knowing I am weak physically. As someone who has been active my whole life, I’m not sure how I got to this place. I have always been fit but not overly strong. And I’m so stiff in body from years of being a runner and from long hours of sitting.

Looking back after our first month. I’m so proud of us.

We are showing up and as hard as it’s been, we are loving it. There is something so beautiful about rising early, I do know this in itself is such a beautiful practice. But there has been so much more. We have been humbled in the most amazing ways and we are getting stronger. Remembering the sequence is quite something for my older brain to grasp. Not to mention the beauty of the practice itself. It’s visually pleasing to watch and do.

But the greatest gift of all is that I get to do this with my girl 4 times a week but also seeing my Kitty girl so happy. It’s changing her and she’s transforming right in front of me, physically and emotionally and I can’t contain my joy some days.

We have signed up for another month and I’ve ordered a dvd too to help us practice more at home. It’s been such a gift to us this last month and I have a feeling it will continue to do so as we grow in strength.

road tripping, just digz and I

A few times Digz and I have been able to sneak away for a few weekends by ourself. And I can’t tell you what a treat they have been for us. Kitty has joined us a few times but Courteney’s schedule this year, hasn’t allowed her to join us yet but we are hoping she will soon. This past weekend was so special. It was good for my soul, we walked in the most beautiful place and it restored so much for me. We had beautiful quality conversation, shared meals and some sightseeing. I can’t wait to go back,


300 and 65 days to go…

I can’t believe we are past the 300 day mark in the awesome little project and I love it so much. I now have less than 65 days left. Less than two months and that’s crazy to me. Visually breathtaking and I can’t wait to lay them all out.

Hmmmm I wish you could all pop over and step a little closer to see these beautiful TinyCaptures of Love.


Lifebook 2018 Mini Lesson

I have been a guest teacher for a few platforms this year and I have found it particularly challenging this year to come up with teaching ideas. I don’t know why it’s been such a challenge, but it has. I literally toiled for months on this lesson and finally I managed to get out of my own way to film this little lesson. My first attempt was a fail. But this one… I loved putting together for you. Yay. Now I edit and upload and I hope you will love this lesson as much as I did. It was good for my soul.

Thank you for having me on LifeBook this year.


Have a beautiful week and I’m so excited to be entering November with most of my “have to’s” behind me. I am feeling excited and so relieved by my clear schedule ahead of me.

It feels like a promise…. of new things to come.

Much Love, always… Jeanne-Marie