"I'll carry my village with me..."

I really had an exciting week.

I signed a new contract this week for something new coming up, I'll share soon.  I have an interview coming up, will share about that soon too and my new bags arrived and they are even more beautiful.

I had beautiful quality conversations with a few special friends that I had been missing and it helped me feel more connected.  Quality conversation is one of my love languages so this is always a treat for me.  Thank you for filling my love tank.

I have been so enjoying everyone's art and what they have been sharing the past few months and Ivy Newport had been sharing about her new class, Into the Blue, Picasso Inspired and in between she shared her latest Marc Chagall inspired piece.  I adore both artists.  She has been so inspiring.  She told me to give myself permission to have a date with Mr Chagall to creatively play with primary colors.  Her words and creative play and my book on Chagall inspired me to try this, something that I had wanted to try for a while but was lacking courage.

Thank you my friend, for the gentle push.


SOLD - 12"x12"x1.5" - I'll Carry my Village with Me

More than the outcome of this piece, I felt my old familiar joy of painting again.  This is my first start to finish piece this year.  It was a wonderful way to spend my weekend and I really haven't felt that for so long.  I had fun and I love her building earrings and the playfulness of the other buildings.

I love old buildings and I love including them in my work.

Feeling encouraged and so grateful.