200 TinyBagsofLove....

I received my next 40 teabaggirls framed and I'm so thrilled.  I now have 200 framed.  It's a hang of a milestone, I know but I still have 166 left to get framed.  I am working in increments of 40.  It's more than a little overwhelming.  I set the 40 day appointments in my calendar, in advance so I know what to work towards and for some or other reason, it really does help me to show up.  I need the target to keep me going strong.  Appointments make it more real for me, it's a real commitment.... one I've managed to honour.  So that being said, my next delivery is this week.

I'm so moved by the collectiveness of this image.


It's been an incredible project so far and a mammoth undertaking.

Almost 8 months done and 4 to go.