Seeker of the Light...

This piece has captivated me for months.  I started her last year for my {Held}Captive class and I thought she was finished but she keeps calling me back.  These were originally flowers but now they are Lightseekers.  I guess pretty much where I am a this week, seeking that little light at the end of the tunnel.

I am learning much about painting fabric moths and I want to continue here for a while.  Finding ways to incorporate them into my art and stories.  I am still waiting for my MisterFinch book to arrive for beautiful inspiration but for now I continue to play and explore and fall more in love with painting these  mysterious fabric creatures.

I don’t think we are finished with each other yet but I’m hoping to wrap her up soon for my Auction that is coming up.  I am thrilled to say my Auction page is up and running.  To find out more, follow my button bellow.

Much love, always.